• Chiappino immobilier


    Trouvez votre maison de rêve avec notre expertise immobilière

  • Chiappino immobilier


    Trouvez votre maison de rêve avec notre expertise immobilière

Agence immobilière à Périgueux dans le Périgord en Dordogne (24)

Nouvelles annonces

Appartement avec terrasse tropézienne

Appartement avec terrasse tropézienne

86 000 €


A 5 minutes du centre ville, quartier du toulon, appartement de type 2 entièrement rénové. A second étage d'une petite copropriété.

Une belle terrasse de type Tropézienne vient compléter ce bien.

Terrain à Bâtir Coulounieix

Terrain à Bâtir Coulounieix

78 000 €

Coulounieix-Chamiers (24660)

Sortie immédiate du Bourg de Coulounieix, 5 min de Périgueux et de créavallée, belle parcelle de terrain constructible, bien exposée. De beaux cerisiers agrémentent le terrain. 2270m² environs.

Maison dans petit hameau Razac sur l’isle

Maison dans petit hameau Razac sur l'isle

120 000 €


Dans un petit hameau à 5 min de Marsac, maison en pierre avec dépendances. Grande cheminée, cuisine séparée, mezzanine, deux chambres, salle d'eau. Jolie jardin arboré. Quelques travaux à prévoirs.

Votre spécialiste en transactions immobilières.

Agence immobilière Périgueux, Agence immobilière Trélissac, Agence immobilière Dordogne (24), Agence immobilière Périgord

Vous souhaitez acheter une nouvelle maison ou un nouvel appartement ? Vous êtes à la recherche d’une agence immobilière de confiance à Périgueux ? Chiappino immobilier est l’adresse qu’il vous faut.

Votre agent immobilier propose la vente et l'achat de maisons et d’appartements : maison avec piscines, studio, chambres spacieuses, maison avec garage, appartement avec terrasse… Pour toute demande spécifique, faites confiance à votre agent immobilier !

Nos biens immobiliers

Agence immobilière Périgueux, Agence immobilière Trélissac, Agence immobilière Dordogne (24), Agence immobilière Périgord

Vente et achat de terrains constructibles en Dordogne (24)

Agence immobilière Périgueux, Agence immobilière Trélissac, Agence immobilière Dordogne (24), Agence immobilière Périgord

Chiappino immobilier, spécialisé en transactions, propose aux particuliers la vente et l’achat de terrains à Périgueux et ses alentours (Périgord, Trélissac, Dordogne...). En fonction de votre budget et de vos besoins, votre agent immobilier vous aide à acheter un terrain adapté à vos attentes et conforme à la superficie que vous recherchez. Vous pouvez y construire la maison de vos rêves.

Qualifiée et compétente, votre équipe de professionnels a une excellente maîtrise du marché local. Appelez au 05 79 87 20 60 ou remplissez le formulaire de contact en ligne pour avoir des renseignements personnalisés !

Nos terrains

Vente maison Périgueux, Vente maison Trélissac, Vente maison Dordogne (24), Vente maison Périgord, Achat maison Périgueux, Achat maison Trélissac, Achat maison Dordogne (24), Achat maison Périgord


Devenez propriétaire d'une maison de luxe.

Achat appartement Périgueux, Achat appartement Trélissac, Achat appartement Dordogne (24), Achat appartement Périgord, Vente appartement Périgueux, Vente appartement Trélissac, Vente appartement Dordogne (24), Vente appartement Périgord


Trouvez l'appartement qui convient à vos besoins.

Terrain constructible Périgueux, Terrain constructible Trélissac, Terrain constructible Dordogne (24), Terrain constructible Périgord


Trouvez un terrain adapté à votre recherche.

Terrains constructibles et biens immobiliers aux alentours de Périgueux.

Agent immobilier

Biens immobiliers Périgueux, Biens immobiliers Trélissac, Biens immobiliers Dordogne (24), Biens immobiliers Périgord

Votre agence immobilière de proximité s’engage à trouver la meilleure solution pour votre projet d’achat ou de vente. En faisant appel aux services de Chiappino immobilier, vous profitez de conseils personnalisés. Votre agent immobilier traite les dossiers au cas pour cas et reste à l’écoute de vos demandes.

Les honoraires sont calculés en fonction du prix de vente du bien immobilier et votre conseiller s'engage à vous accompagner tout au long de votre projet.

Biens immobiliers Périgueux, Biens immobiliers Trélissac, Biens immobiliers Dordogne (24), Biens immobiliers Périgord
  • Mémoire utilisée par PHP : 3,88 Mo
  • Pic mémoire allouée par PHP : 4,50 Mo
  • Temps d'execution du script : 0.581 s
  • Lang :
  • Path :
  • Route : default-route
  • $okt->page->module : pages
  • $okt->page->action : item
  • Title tag : Agence immobilière Périgueux, Trélissac, Dordogne (24), Périgord - CHIAPPINO IMMOBILIER
  • Title: Accueil
  • H1: Agence immobilière à Périgueux dans le Périgord en Dordogne (24)
  • Meta description: CHIAPPINO IMMOBILIER votre agence immobilière à Périgueux dans le Périgord en Dordogne (24).
  • Meta keyword:
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t.rubrique LIKE '%\'/\'%' AND t.actif = 1
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SELECT p.*, pl.*,
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'%d/%m/%Y %H:%i:%s') as date_creation_fr,
'%d/%m/%Y %H:%i:%s') as date_modification_fr
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'%d/%m/%Y %H:%i:%s') as date_creation_fr,
'%d/%m/%Y %H:%i:%s') as date_modification_fr
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p.id_popup AND pl.language = 'fr'
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p.debut AND p.fin
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'0000-00-00 00:00:00' AND p.fin = '0000-00-00 00:00:00')
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AS dt LEFT JOIN oktopusV2_mod_estate_i18n_data_types_locales
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= "property_type" AND dtl.language_code='fr' AND dt.active=1
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#2 sfTemplateEngine->render( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktTemplating.php:60]

#3 oktTemplating->render( called at [/oktModules/pages/inc/class.pages.controller.php:370]

#4 pagesController->pagesItem( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#5 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 2  Warning /www/ya16863/www/oktInc/classes/libs/lib.picture.php 64 oktDebug errorHandler getimagesize(/www/ya16863/_new/www/upload/modules/news/img/5/min-insert-xl-1.webp): failed to open stream: No such file or directory

#0 getimagesize( called at [/oktInc/classes/libs/lib.picture.php:64]

#1 picture::getHtml( called at [/oktThemes/ra158-s/templates/news/insert/ra163-s-modif/template.php:53]

#2 require( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateRendererPhp.php:36]

#3 sfTemplateRendererPhp->evaluate( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateEngine.php:106]

#4 sfTemplateEngine->render( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktTemplating.php:60]

#5 oktTemplating->render( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateRenderer.php:45]

#6 sfTemplateRenderer->__call( called at [/oktThemes/ra158-s/templates/pages/item/r-default-2-actualite/template.php:98]

#7 require( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateRendererPhp.php:36]

#8 sfTemplateRendererPhp->evaluate( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateEngine.php:106]

#9 sfTemplateEngine->render( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktTemplating.php:60]

#10 oktTemplating->render( called at [/oktModules/pages/inc/class.pages.controller.php:370]

#11 pagesController->pagesItem( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#12 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 3  Warning /www/ya16863/www/oktInc/classes/libs/lib.picture.php 70 oktDebug errorHandler Trying to access array offset on value of type bool

#0 picture::getHtml( called at [/oktThemes/ra158-s/templates/news/insert/ra163-s-modif/template.php:53]

#1 require( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateRendererPhp.php:36]

#2 sfTemplateRendererPhp->evaluate( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateEngine.php:106]

#3 sfTemplateEngine->render( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktTemplating.php:60]

#4 oktTemplating->render( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateRenderer.php:45]

#5 sfTemplateRenderer->__call( called at [/oktThemes/ra158-s/templates/pages/item/r-default-2-actualite/template.php:98]

#6 require( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateRendererPhp.php:36]

#7 sfTemplateRendererPhp->evaluate( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateEngine.php:106]

#8 sfTemplateEngine->render( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktTemplating.php:60]

#9 oktTemplating->render( called at [/oktModules/pages/inc/class.pages.controller.php:370]

#10 pagesController->pagesItem( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#11 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 4  Warning /www/ya16863/www/oktInc/classes/libs/lib.picture.php 64 oktDebug errorHandler getimagesize(/www/ya16863/_new/www/upload/modules/news/img/3/min-insert-xl-1.webp): failed to open stream: No such file or directory

#0 getimagesize( called at [/oktInc/classes/libs/lib.picture.php:64]

#1 picture::getHtml( called at [/oktThemes/ra158-s/templates/news/insert/ra163-s-modif/template.php:53]

#2 require( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateRendererPhp.php:36]

#3 sfTemplateRendererPhp->evaluate( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateEngine.php:106]

#4 sfTemplateEngine->render( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktTemplating.php:60]

#5 oktTemplating->render( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateRenderer.php:45]

#6 sfTemplateRenderer->__call( called at [/oktThemes/ra158-s/templates/pages/item/r-default-2-actualite/template.php:98]

#7 require( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateRendererPhp.php:36]

#8 sfTemplateRendererPhp->evaluate( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateEngine.php:106]

#9 sfTemplateEngine->render( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktTemplating.php:60]

#10 oktTemplating->render( called at [/oktModules/pages/inc/class.pages.controller.php:370]

#11 pagesController->pagesItem( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#12 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 5  Warning /www/ya16863/www/oktInc/classes/libs/lib.picture.php 70 oktDebug errorHandler Trying to access array offset on value of type bool

#0 picture::getHtml( called at [/oktThemes/ra158-s/templates/news/insert/ra163-s-modif/template.php:53]

#1 require( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateRendererPhp.php:36]

#2 sfTemplateRendererPhp->evaluate( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateEngine.php:106]

#3 sfTemplateEngine->render( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktTemplating.php:60]

#4 oktTemplating->render( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateRenderer.php:45]

#5 sfTemplateRenderer->__call( called at [/oktThemes/ra158-s/templates/pages/item/r-default-2-actualite/template.php:98]

#6 require( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateRendererPhp.php:36]

#7 sfTemplateRendererPhp->evaluate( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateEngine.php:106]

#8 sfTemplateEngine->render( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktTemplating.php:60]

#9 oktTemplating->render( called at [/oktModules/pages/inc/class.pages.controller.php:370]

#10 pagesController->pagesItem( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#11 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 6  Warning /www/ya16863/www/oktInc/classes/libs/lib.picture.php 64 oktDebug errorHandler getimagesize(/www/ya16863/_new/www/upload/modules/news/img/4/min-insert-xl-1.webp): failed to open stream: No such file or directory

#0 getimagesize( called at [/oktInc/classes/libs/lib.picture.php:64]

#1 picture::getHtml( called at [/oktThemes/ra158-s/templates/news/insert/ra163-s-modif/template.php:53]

#2 require( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateRendererPhp.php:36]

#3 sfTemplateRendererPhp->evaluate( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateEngine.php:106]

#4 sfTemplateEngine->render( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktTemplating.php:60]

#5 oktTemplating->render( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateRenderer.php:45]

#6 sfTemplateRenderer->__call( called at [/oktThemes/ra158-s/templates/pages/item/r-default-2-actualite/template.php:98]

#7 require( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateRendererPhp.php:36]

#8 sfTemplateRendererPhp->evaluate( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateEngine.php:106]

#9 sfTemplateEngine->render( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktTemplating.php:60]

#10 oktTemplating->render( called at [/oktModules/pages/inc/class.pages.controller.php:370]

#11 pagesController->pagesItem( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#12 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 7  Warning /www/ya16863/www/oktInc/classes/libs/lib.picture.php 70 oktDebug errorHandler Trying to access array offset on value of type bool

#0 picture::getHtml( called at [/oktThemes/ra158-s/templates/news/insert/ra163-s-modif/template.php:53]

#1 require( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateRendererPhp.php:36]

#2 sfTemplateRendererPhp->evaluate( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateEngine.php:106]

#3 sfTemplateEngine->render( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktTemplating.php:60]

#4 oktTemplating->render( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateRenderer.php:45]

#5 sfTemplateRenderer->__call( called at [/oktThemes/ra158-s/templates/pages/item/r-default-2-actualite/template.php:98]

#6 require( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateRendererPhp.php:36]

#7 sfTemplateRendererPhp->evaluate( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateEngine.php:106]

#8 sfTemplateEngine->render( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktTemplating.php:60]

#9 oktTemplating->render( called at [/oktModules/pages/inc/class.pages.controller.php:370]

#10 pagesController->pagesItem( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#11 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 8  Warning /www/ya16863/www/oktInc/classes/libs/lib.picture.php 64 oktDebug errorHandler getimagesize(/www/ya16863/_new/www/upload/modules/news/img/2/min-insert-xl-1.webp): failed to open stream: No such file or directory

#0 getimagesize( called at [/oktInc/classes/libs/lib.picture.php:64]

#1 picture::getHtml( called at [/oktThemes/ra158-s/templates/news/insert/ra163-s-modif/template.php:53]

#2 require( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateRendererPhp.php:36]

#3 sfTemplateRendererPhp->evaluate( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateEngine.php:106]

#4 sfTemplateEngine->render( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktTemplating.php:60]

#5 oktTemplating->render( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateRenderer.php:45]

#6 sfTemplateRenderer->__call( called at [/oktThemes/ra158-s/templates/pages/item/r-default-2-actualite/template.php:98]

#7 require( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateRendererPhp.php:36]

#8 sfTemplateRendererPhp->evaluate( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateEngine.php:106]

#9 sfTemplateEngine->render( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktTemplating.php:60]

#10 oktTemplating->render( called at [/oktModules/pages/inc/class.pages.controller.php:370]

#11 pagesController->pagesItem( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#12 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 9  Warning /www/ya16863/www/oktInc/classes/libs/lib.picture.php 70 oktDebug errorHandler Trying to access array offset on value of type bool

#0 picture::getHtml( called at [/oktThemes/ra158-s/templates/news/insert/ra163-s-modif/template.php:53]

#1 require( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateRendererPhp.php:36]

#2 sfTemplateRendererPhp->evaluate( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateEngine.php:106]

#3 sfTemplateEngine->render( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktTemplating.php:60]

#4 oktTemplating->render( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateRenderer.php:45]

#5 sfTemplateRenderer->__call( called at [/oktThemes/ra158-s/templates/pages/item/r-default-2-actualite/template.php:98]

#6 require( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateRendererPhp.php:36]

#7 sfTemplateRendererPhp->evaluate( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateEngine.php:106]

#8 sfTemplateEngine->render( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktTemplating.php:60]

#9 oktTemplating->render( called at [/oktModules/pages/inc/class.pages.controller.php:370]

#10 pagesController->pagesItem( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#11 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 10  Warning /www/ya16863/www/oktThemes/ra158-s/templates/layout.php 43 oktDebug errorHandler Trying to access array offset on value of type bool

#0 require( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateRendererPhp.php:36]

#1 sfTemplateRendererPhp->evaluate( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateEngine.php:106]

#2 sfTemplateEngine->render( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktTemplating.php:60]

#3 oktTemplating->render( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateEngine.php:117]

#4 sfTemplateEngine->render( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktTemplating.php:60]

#5 oktTemplating->render( called at [/oktModules/pages/inc/class.pages.controller.php:370]

#6 pagesController->pagesItem( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#7 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 11  Warning /www/ya16863/www/oktThemes/ra158-s/templates/estate_i18n/insert/nouveaute/modele-1-chiappino-immobilier/template.php 4 oktDebug errorHandler Trying to get property 'params' of non-object

#0 require( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateRendererPhp.php:36]

#1 sfTemplateRendererPhp->evaluate( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateEngine.php:106]

#2 sfTemplateEngine->render( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktTemplating.php:60]

#3 oktTemplating->render( called at [/oktThemes/ra158-s/templates/layout.php:252]

#4 require( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateRendererPhp.php:36]

#5 sfTemplateRendererPhp->evaluate( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateEngine.php:106]

#6 sfTemplateEngine->render( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktTemplating.php:60]

#7 oktTemplating->render( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateEngine.php:117]

#8 sfTemplateEngine->render( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktTemplating.php:60]

#9 oktTemplating->render( called at [/oktModules/pages/inc/class.pages.controller.php:370]

#10 pagesController->pagesItem( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#11 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 12  Warning /www/ya16863/www/oktThemes/ra158-s/templates/estate_i18n/insert/nouveaute/modele-1-chiappino-immobilier/template.php 4 oktDebug errorHandler Trying to get property 'show_filters' of non-object

#0 require( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateRendererPhp.php:36]

#1 sfTemplateRendererPhp->evaluate( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateEngine.php:106]

#2 sfTemplateEngine->render( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktTemplating.php:60]

#3 oktTemplating->render( called at [/oktThemes/ra158-s/templates/layout.php:252]

#4 require( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateRendererPhp.php:36]

#5 sfTemplateRendererPhp->evaluate( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateEngine.php:106]

#6 sfTemplateEngine->render( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktTemplating.php:60]

#7 oktTemplating->render( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateEngine.php:117]

#8 sfTemplateEngine->render( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktTemplating.php:60]

#9 oktTemplating->render( called at [/oktModules/pages/inc/class.pages.controller.php:370]

#10 pagesController->pagesItem( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#11 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

Variables dans le scope global
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      'city' => 'Périgueux',
      'country' => 'France',
      'tel' => '05 53 05 73 08',
      'mobile' => '',
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